Friday, July 1, 2011


This is a little late but oh well.
Wednesday I got a great e-mail from my applications advisor telling me that my application had been accepted and I was now a candidate. While at the training in BC she had mentioned to me that she would put my application up for review at the next board meeting at the end of June. I was shocked it would happen so soon and forgot to ask what the date was. Its not that I wasnt ready for this, the training was the last piece of the the whole application process and I could apply any time after the training was complete. I just figured I would submit it a few months from now. So these last few weeks I have been wondering when I would get the news about my application and was very tempted to e-mail my advisor and ask when this meeting actually was. The only problem with knowing the exact day is that I'd be thinking about it an worrying about what the results were so I never did send that e-mail asking what day the meeting was.
So now I'm officially a candidate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes I'm ecstatic to say the least. I still have more paperwork to fill out to set things up but now I can move forward and get my newsletters designed, my support request fliers written and printed, budget created, and everything else that comes with raising funds and getting ready to go to Africa. I dont plan on leaving until I finish school in October 2012 and thus wasnt in a huge rush to actually get my membership since its still 1 year and 4 months away. having this step done is a great feeling though. I have 2 months before I go back to school so I'm going to see how much I can get done bfore school starts. The first thing on my list is finish that last pesky essay from the summer school course I decided to take.... Did I ever mention I cant stand writing essays... the upside to this one is that its only 4 pages long not the standard 10pages :)