Monday, June 11, 2012

Bible translation and health education

Some of you may wonder how I fit into the big picture of Bible translation and Wycliffe when I have a Nursing degree. The most recent Wycliffe magazine tells about a book called Kande's story. You can read about it here.


Edit - the above link has changed. the new link is -

Sunday, June 3, 2012

6 months to go!!!!!!!

June 1 has come and gone. Why is that important??? well that marks 6 months from when I hope to leave for South Sudan. There are many things still in progress and my exact date has not been finalized but in general I hope to leave sometime in December for South Sudan. Its exciting as this is something I have felt called to do for years and now the reality of it is starting to sink in. 6 months!!!!!! exciting and scary at the same time.

In 6 months I have to:
- raise my support for the entire year.
-finalize my budget
- update my immunizations
- finish the Nurse Practitioner program
- write my licensing exam
- finish an additional 2 course for my part of my Masters degree (the last I hope to complete on my return)
- pack and go!!!!

The link below is a video that gives some background of the area I hope to be and some info on what is going on there.
