I know its been a while since I’ve last updated the blog. I’ve
had many ideas on what to write but so much as happened that I don’t really
know where to start. Its also hard to believe I’ve been in Nairobi for a month
already and am heading to South Sudan this week. In many ways I’m ready to go
yet in other ways I feel like there is so much to do and learn.
Life in Nairobi has been busy and interesting. Early on I
learned that things change all the time out here. Within the first week I was
asked to move from one apartment to another due to some unforeseen complication.
Although the moving came as a surprise, it was very beneficial as I ended up
staying in a more central location which was very helpful for the many things I
had to do that I wasn’t expecting. I’ve also switched the language I will be
learning and now will be learning Arabic as it has become the trade language in
the area of South Sudan I will be working in. I also learned calling ahead
before going to a destination is key, especially if its farther away. About a week after I got here I took a cab
with my fiancée to the Canadian embassy to take care of some paperwork he
needed done. The website showed that it was open until noon but when we arrived
there at 10:45am we found out that they had changed their schedule for the day
and were only open until 10:30am. Needless to say I got to know a little more
of the city but we didn’t get much else done that morning.
Walking is the main way to get around. Most of the places I
have needed to go to are within a 20 minute walk of my apartment. There are
times however when a bus/matatu is a better way to travel. One such occasion
was to get my computer repaired. The previous 2 trips to this office I had
walked 40 minutes there as I wasn’t sure how the bus system worked. It was an
interesting experience trying to figure out were the buses went and how to get
on/off. Just looking at the bus monitor
person can result in them stopping to pick you up as you walk on the side of
the road. I accidentally figured this out one of my first times out walking and
had a bus stop to pick me up when I was just looking at the traffic…. Oops.
Shopping here is great. There are tons of fresh/fruits
veggies available at the local market. It’s also an adjustment as many
premade/processed products are expensive. As a result I’m finding great recipes
to make homemade bread, salad dressing, and other foods that in the past I
would have just bought. They even have the dutch cheese which is about the same
price as the cheddar I normally buy. Needless to say I’ve switched to the dutch
stuff J I
also got to see how this cheese is made during a tour of the local cheese
factory. I’m tempted now to try and make my own cheese. It should be