Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A new day and a new city (3rd location in under 4 days)

post written back in August

After a busy few days of shopping n the big city I headed to a different big city where my fiancée lives. I have to admit this is where the culture shock affected me the most. I had been warned that at some point I would feel overwhelmed with the big city after living in my remote location and I expected it to happen in the first city I was in as it was bigger and more modern. A huge contrast to the life I have been living. It didn’t affect me then but I sure felt it in this new location. The interesting thing is I had a much better understanding of what life was like from chatting with my fiancée and also seeing some pics/videos sent me over the years compared to the first big city. One of the first things I noticed is how much of both the big city and the rural areas there was mixed together to create its own uniqueness. Looking back I think this was the biggest factor in the culture shock as I couldn’t seem to process the combination of city and rural life in one place. I also noticed my preconceived perception from conversations and pictures was much different. Some things were bigger than I imagined and some were smaller. Overall it was a lot to process the first few days and had my brain working in overtime. I don’t even if there is a good way to explain all the thoughts/feelings I had going through my mind as even I didn't really understand my own thought processes.  It was like I knew what to do and expect yet I didn’t feel like I belonged and knew what was going to happen. It was definitely a weird feeling.

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