Wednesday, December 18, 2013

airport adventures part 2

I arrived safely back home after the adventures from the previous flight. Most of our flights are chartered by our organization but there are times that our schedule doesn't always fit with the charter bookings. my last R&R was one of those times. Instead of flying out of country for a break, I was given permission to fly to the capital where my fiancee lives thus allowing me to see him and also save some money since its cheaper to fly direct with a "commercial" flight that many of the NGOs use out here.

The organization chartered flights are pretty relaxed for schedule depending on our pilot's later committments. sometimes we leave really early, other times we leave later. the flight time is announced to those going the night before and we all just drive or walk out to the plane together, load up, and leave. We still have to count our kgs and be within certain weight limits or have to pay extra as it does affect fuel amounts and other technical stuff but it is very relaxed and we dont worry too much about it.

The commercial flights that come and go are much different. they are very much run like flights in north america where everything is weighed, tagged, screened, and accounted for 2 hours prior to departure.

heading out to the "airport"

waiting in the "lounge", 
snacks are just up the road at the local vendor

 loading up and getting ready to go. 

then its off to the capital.

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